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Double Fish attended 2018 FIT meetings in May


The FIT meetings includes the meetings for table tennis tables working group, balls working group, rackets working group and rubbers working group, the members(equipment suppliers) from all over the world discuss the questions in group meetings and the FIT/ITTF meeting, in this meeting, FIT invited the ITTF officials to discuss the questions and issues which most of the members are concerned.

During the 2018 World Table Tennis Championships, the representatives from Double Fish also have a meeting with the competition manager from ITTF. Both of us discussed about Double Fish participation in the ITTF events. Double Fish promises that will take part in the ITTF events as usual, especially in the Olympic Games.

Because 免费黄色视频在线观看:Double Fish Table Tennis Ball which was used as official ball in the 2018 World Cup in London, and obtained good comments from the players and officials from ITTF. During the meeting, many distributors who from Europe and Asia are very interested in Double Fish ball, we discussed details for further cooperation with them.